Overfishing Research Paper

Words: 1905
Pages: 8

Overfishing is the act of catching too many fish faster than the ecosystem can replenish, this can lead to major problems for the ecosystem which is mostly our oceans. It is a growing problem that happens on a daily basis and can lead to detrimental problems for not only our world’s oceans but eventually can put us in danger. The motivation and objective of this paper is to raise awareness about overfishing and its effects on the planet and the human population. Fish is relied upon globally by millions of people as their food source and it would be a shame if it were to disappear some day, leaving millions to starve. Overfishing is a daily occurrence that is happening globally as large commercial fishing fleets reel in millions of pounds …show more content…
Lately when fishermen have reeled in their nets expecting a large load of fish, the only thing they have gotten is a net full of jelly, jellyfish that is. With fish disappearing organisms like jellyfish, plankton and algae start to build up more and more in the ocean. These jellyfishes are allowed grow to massive proportions and start to show up more and more in beaches and fishing nets posing a danger to people. The jellyfishes, algae and plankton that are also allowed to grow old enough to die which is not usually the case. When these organisms die, their bodies will start to sink and eventually end up on the ocean floor to decompose, but in many cases they don’t end up on the ocean floor and instead decompose in the middle of the water. This would lead to the creation of a mucus like substance made from the decomposed bodies of organisms like jellyfish. Normally these occurrences would only result in tiny blobs of mucus here and there but now that these organisms are allowed to grow to massive proportions and allowed to grow more often, there are now giant masses of slime made from the gathering mucus floating across the ocean that are hundreds of kilometers long in a phenomenon called “The Rise of Slime”. This all leads back to overfishing, because usually fishes consume these organisms in their earlier stages, but by overfishing and removing these fishes, there is nothing to stop these organisms from growing. They will grow until they reach the last stages of their life cycle where they decompose and eventually created