This adversarial review is important to integrate at a common point that serves the purpose of CEO and Deputy CEO to avoid conflict of interest according to Mary Parker Follet (1868- 1933) (Wren and Bedeian, 2009). It is important for the Deputy CEO to go through a decision making process before implementing any change to make sure s/he is not acting irrationally being in a managerial position; according to Peter Drucker’s Management By Objective (MBO) theory manager’s should be directed and controlled by objective of performance rather than just obeying the boss’s order (Wren and Bedeian, 2009). As the importance of Internet in workplace for gathering information and communication, is immense in this global technological context. The Deputy CEO also needs to understand the motive behind CEO’s decision to also ensure that his/her course of actions are not a part of game theory where s/he is being tested by the CEO to see how and what s/he does upon a given condition that might also be drawn as outline to a establishing a relation between the new CEO and the Deputy CEO in the organization context of Oz