Papers: Consumer Protection and Protective Legislation

Submitted By moderndisbeliefs
Words: 747
Pages: 3



Nature of Task: Research/Presentation
Topic: Consumer Choice
Weight: 40%

DUE DATE: Week 8 (First lesson)

Name: Teacher : Noiosi / Romeo / Prasser Assessment Policy:
This task is a formal assessment. It requires each student to demonstrate their understanding of the course studied by devoting sufficient time and effort to meeting the requirements as clearly stated below. This task must be submitted on time. The following reasons are not valid excuses for late submission of tasks; computer difficulties, printer problems, or lack of organisation. It is understood that any difficulty with the task must be brought to the attention of the classroom teacher several days before the due date of the task.

Declaration of Originality:
In accordance with the College Assessment Policy, I declare that this submission is my own work and that to the best of my knowledge, it contains no material previously published or written by another person except where acknowledgement has been made.

Student Signature:

Task Instructions

You are to produce a Community Service Announcement that highlights the Organisations available to protect consumers in Australia. This announcement can be in the form of an imovie or a keynote presentation and will be presented in front of the class during Week 8, Term 1.


Your presentation must include: an outline of why consumers need protection, reference to the legal rights and protective legislation for consumers, a discussion of the organisations available to protect consumers in Australia.

In addition, throughout your presentation you must refer to a hypothetical scenario or a real case study where consumer rights have been breached. This scenario or case study must be linked to the requirements stated above.

Additional Information:

Presentations must be between 3 and 4 minutes. Your presentation must be informative, creative, interesting and engaging. You may use humour, role plays, interviews, etc. It is your responsibility to check that all technology (imovies, keynotes, etc.) are working prior to the due date. In addition to presenting in front of the class, you must submit your task on a disk that is clearly labelled with your name and class teacher. Failure to hand this in on the due date is a non-submission.

9 Commerce Task 1 - Marking Criteria

Mark | Criteria | 17- 20 A | Demonstrates an extensive understanding of the need for consumer protection and the organisations available to protect consumers in Australia (RO1) Extensive reference to the legal rights and protective legislation for consumers with clear linkages to a hypothetical scenario or a real case study (RO1) Evidence of comprehensive research and clear factual detail is present throughout the presentation (RO3, RO4) Sophisticated presentation that is engaging and interesting to the audience (RO3). | 13 – 16 B | Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the need for consumer protection and the organisations available to protect consumers in Australia (RO1) Thorough reference to the legal rights and protective legislation for consumers with clear linkages to a hypothetical scenario or a real case study (RO1) Evidence of solid research and factual detail is present throughout the presentation (RO3, RO4) Clear presentation that is engaging and interesting to the audience (RO3) | 9 – 12 C | Demonstrates a sound understanding of the need for consumer protection and the organisations available to protect consumers in Australia (RO1) Some reference to the legal rights and protective legislation for consumers with linkages to a