Paranoid Schizophrenia Research Paper

Words: 1146
Pages: 5

Psychological/Neurological Disorders

Schizophrenia Sub Paranoid

Paranoid Schizophrenia
They say that schizophrenia has been around since the dawn of mankind. Sightings have been seen in many classical writings, including the Bible. For example in Mark 5; the Gerasene Demoniac who “All day and night among the tombs and in the mountains would howl and gash himself with stones.” However the oldest record in history dates back to Ebers Papyrus of 1550BC in Egypt (Burton). However Schizophrenia was first truly described by Dr. Emil Krapelin in the 19th Century. Krapelin was the director of the psychiatric clinic at the University in Estonia, the term he used was Dementia Praecox, which he believed that the condition was always
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Later on in 1911, a Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler coined the term Schizophrenia. However he believe that patients showed distinct improvement overtime. Early treatments included staying at an asylum, brain surgery, and electric shock treatment. Symptoms included disturbed & unacceptable behaviors, which included hearing voices, seeing visions, and erratic behaviors. Some disturbing history included the Third Reich; when being diagnosed with Schizophrenia, three doctors would assess you. If two of the three doctors agreed you had Schizophrenia you would be sent to be killed either by lethal injection or by gas chamber. It is said that between 220,000 and 269,500 individuals were sterilized during this time (E.F. Torrey & R.H. Yolken, 2009). Skipping forward to today’s times approximately 3.5 …show more content…
That two or more of the following must be present in order to have schizophrenia: one must have each present for a portion of a time (1- month period/ less if successfully treated): Delusions, hallucinations, incoherence of speech, disorganized/ catatonic behaviours, and negative symptoms (which include affective flattening, lack of motivation, or poverty of speech). There are subtypes for schizophrenia: they include Paranoid schizophrenia. Those subtypes are defined by predominant symptomatology at time of evaluation: they include Paranoid Type, Disorganized type, Catatonic type, Undifferentiated type, and Residual type schizophreniform disorder. Paranoid type A symptoms include: preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations. If the evidence is continual, with presence of 2 or more symptoms, then diagnostics are made. An episode of the disorder could last 1 month but less than 6 months which is called “provisional”. But an interrupted period of illness could be characterized with a different disorder (manic episodes, major depressive episodes, or mixed). Paranoid schizophrenia may be misdiagnosed, similar disorders include: substance-induced psychotic disorders, Creuzfeldt- Jacob disease, neurosyphiis, AIDS, dementia of Alzhemier’s, carbon monoxide poisoning, hunting’s disease, delusions disorder, paranoid OCD, schizotypal, and personality disorder (many other things