Parents use discipline as a way of showing a child what is right or wrong. If I child never witnessed a form of discipline than he or she may not know if they have done something wrong. Some parents can take punishment to a hazardous level. Not everyone parent disciplines a child the same way. Some people use times outs, while others use spankings. Spankings are not bad, unless the parents hits the child in dangerous ways.There are right and wrong disciplines, the right ones require the parent to take away any belonging to the child that the child finds very important. Taking away television privileges is a good way to get their adolescent to do homework. Younger children tend to take a little more patience, so timeouts would be a better method of punishment. All children take patience, but a parent with none, can lead to different disciplines that is now known as abuse. Whether it be physical or emotional abuse, its abuse! Physical punishment can be disguised as physical abuse, some parents start out with a little pat on the butt, than later the beating gets harder because of uncontrolled anger. A parent hitting a child, can be blind to what damage they are causing. It can always cause long term effects, the child can become more aggressive when around the age of five. Sometimes parents end up trying to hurt the child in a different way of pain, like burning. For younger children like babies, there always crying and fussing because they don’t really understand. More and more babies are dying of shaken baby syndrome because parents and babysitters can’t handle the pressure of an