Parents Set Expectations In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

Words: 390
Pages: 2

Precisely how much do your parents care for you? Do they love you enough to lead you down the right path, or do they allow you to take the road less traveled? Parents often set expectations for their children so that they have an idea as to what to pursue in life. Despite the fact that they do this with the best intentions, parents do not realize the burden that it puts on the children’s shoulders. Parents set expectations believing that it will give purpose to their child’s life and help lead them down the safer road to happier days.
In The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, Lindo Jong discovers that her daughter, Waverly, is exceptional at chess. Blinded by hope, Lindo forces Waverly to focus only on chess, saying, “Meimei play, squeeze all her brains