The theme of poverty is very present throughout the book. On page 57 of the book, it shows a picture of what a stereotypical white person looks like and what stereotypical Indian person looks like. The picture really shows how Indians are poor. It shows the Indian person wearing a Kmart T-shirt, Sears blue jeans (two pairs for $19.99), no watch (with the caption, “It’s skin thirty!”), holding a glad garbage book bag, and …show more content…
Junior also describes the worst thing about being poor is the inability to pay for medicine. Junior’s dog, Oscar, had to be shot because he was really sick and Junior’s …show more content…
Native Americans have the highest rate of alcohol abuse of among minority groups. This is mainly fueled by their poverty and harsh living conditions. Native Americans don’t have much money because of the high unemployment and they don’t have adequate healthcare, so all of this combined contributes to their alcohol abuse. There is also a history poor conditions at home. The parents kids could see them drinking alcohol all the time and they could just follow what their parents are doing, they could also be abused which could lead to alcoholism. This also leads to many mental health problems. The suicide rate among Native American teens is 2.5 times greater than the national