Parthenon Bring Them Home Summary

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Pages: 3

Rivera, Destiny Jordan, Sandra Amer.Lit&Comp 11 April 2024 “Bring them Home” Effectively Supports its Purpose After reading the articles “Bring them Home” and “Museums Preserve the Culture of the World”. The “Bring them Home” most effectively supports the authors’ purpose. The author of “Bring them Home” effectively supports their purpose of advocating for the return of cultural artifacts to their rightful countries by providing specific examples of artifacts that have been taken from their original countries and are now being sought out to be returned to their rightful owners. The author highlights the case of the Parthenon sculptures, which were removed from Greece and are now being requested back by the Greek government for preservation …show more content…
The very culture that gave birth to a certain history is the best people to preserve it. I agree completely with the author of the article, "Bring Them Home," that these priceless artifacts and treasures should be returned to their own countries. The first persuasive argument in support of returning stolen museum treasures to their rightful owners is the fact that many of the countries from which they were removed are perfectly capable of maintaining the antiques on their own. According to the author of "Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World," institutions are frequently prevented from returning priceless artifacts because of the necessity to preserve them. However, there are numerous examples of nations that are able to preserve these artifacts, just as well as museums, making it simple to deny that claim. The article offers a concrete illustration of a nation ready to put in the effort and make the necessary preparations to protect its legitimate cultural assets. Greece is so eager for these treasures to return that they have already set aside a "special room" in a new museum. Other nations that are prepared and equipped to protect their own cultural assets include Egypt, China, and India. It is obvious that returning these items to their original locations makes the most sense. The author of “Museums Preserve the Cultures of the World” believes that it would make the most sense to have all of these artifacts together in one location due to the fact that, as the author states, most people do not have the money to travel to many different countries to see these artifacts, so it makes sense to have them all in one place. While that may be true, you also have to think about the citizens of the artifacts origin, they should be allowed to view and interact with cultural assets. It would be