Patrol Operations Outline Essay

Submitted By cwegrzynowski
Words: 8998
Pages: 36

1) Introduction to Patrol Operations Chapter 1
2) Words and Phrases To Remember
a) Deployment
b) Jurisdiction
c) Military rank
d) Patrouiller
e) Third degree
f) Ethics
g) Community Policing
h) Problem solving
i) Prevention
j) Repression
k) Integrity
l) Differential response
m) 9-1-1 and 3-1-1
n) telephone communications
3) Organization and Leadership
a) The Sheriff
i) The sheriff is responsible for general enforcement of the laws throughout the county. He or she is also the keeper of the county jail and bailiff for the felony court
b) Consolidation
i) In some large metropolitan areas policing agencies are consolidated into departments similar to the London Police department in England
c) Leadership
i) All police and sheriff departments are organized along military lines
4) Evolution of Patrol
a) Political Era
i) 1830-1930
b) Reform Era
i) 1930-1980
c) Community Era
i) 1980 to present
5) Police Field Operations Objectives
a) Prevent Crime
b) Community involvement
c) Prevent Delinquency
d) Repression of Crime
e) Arresting and Assuring Conviction of Offenders
f) Reducing Traffic Collisions
g) Assuring Public Peace
h) Problem solving and Crisis Planning
6) Patrol Activities
a) Routine Patrol and Observation
b) Preventive Attendance at Public Gatherings
c) Community and Benevolent Services
d) Business and Property Security
e) Inspection Services
f) Interaction with the Public
g) Response to Calls for Service
h) Animal Protection Services
i) Traffic Direction and Control
j) Preliminary Investigations
k) Information Services
l) Develop Contacts
m) Arresting Offenders
n) Collecting and Preserving Evidence
o) Testifying in Court
p) Preparation of Reports
7) Police Decisions: Differential Response
a) Policy decisions that must be made when prioritizing calls for service
i) does the department have a drive-in or drive-up desk for victims of crime to make reports at their convenience ii) Which calls will be handled completely by telephone with a report taker in the communication center? iii) What calls will be referred to another agency iv) Could neighborhood and family disputes not involving violence be referred to a neighborhood dispute committee?
v) would it not be better for juvenile truancy problems handled better if they are referred to school attendance officers vi) Are there certain reports that can be handled by a college student or intern vii) Can a social worker handle family problems involving nonviolence issues
8) Factors in Patrol Deployment Decisions
a) Resident population and density. Single family or multiple family residences
b) Nature of the area.
i) county seat ii) state capitol iii) beach iv) city
c) Are most residents transient or permanent
d) Locations, numbers and types of arrests
e) Time locations and types of crimes
f) Numbers, times and location of traffic collisions and their cause
g) Prioritized lists of concerns and fears expressed by occupants
h) Bus, train, ferry, ship and other transportation terminals schedules
i) known gangs operating in the area
j) Economic health of the community
k) Availability of social help organizations
l) Bars and nightclub locations hours of business
9) Police Discretionary Prerogatives
a) As a field officer you have the freedom and the power to choose whether to investigate a complaint and carry it through to completion. things that affect discretion:
i) Personal values ii) education, training iii) life experience
10) Ethics and Integrity
a) you never get something for Nothing
b) Set your standards
c) Keep your word
d) Maintain a solid work ethic
e) Honestly report expenses
f) Accurately report your work and investigation
g) Tell the truth in court
h) Never lie except when playing a role
i) Treat everyone with respect
j) Bribery is not an option
k) Handel forfeiture property correctly
l) Skimming from Arrestees
11) Criminal Liability of the Police officer
a) Police officers are not protected from criminal liability
b) Officers must operate within the law to enforce laws