If he looks at what they have spent in the past, this will give him a better idea if they are staying within budget for the upcoming year. For example, if he looks at individual items such as food, brochures, and labor cost, he can get an overall idea of what they are spending. If Christopher is smart, he should take items like the food budget and get several quotes from vendors and beat the price from previous years, and include that in his report. Another thing he could do is get quotes for brochures. He might even find a company that would do it for free as a tax write off. And last, the labor hours that would be incurred during a lecture series could be costly. While the physician is most likely speaking for free, the labor needed to answer questions, direct people, and to set up the area could really add up. If Pawnee Medical Center allowed employees unpaid time off to volunteer, some might be willing to work. Also, they should reach out to volunteers that are retired from the medical community to volunteer their