Peaceful Resistance Research Paper

Words: 520
Pages: 3

Altough many people believe peaceful resistance to law negatively impacts a free society, peaceful resistance contributes to freedom of speech. First of all, from very remote times the human being has learned to develop and manifest his emotions. Each person interprets situations in different ways with different perspectives. To continue, as expressed in Newton's third law, each action involves a reaction. Peaceful resistance has been very controversial since the twentieth century when Martin Luther King expressed his position on racial discrimination. However, there have been cases in which peaceful resistance has gotten out of control and has caused a stir among the authorities and the authors of such resistance. Quoting great authors of …show more content…
Values define who you are before society and how you are confronted with the outside world. To move on, the simple fact that a person presents his / her opocision towards something / someone, there will always be doubts, confusion, inclusive solidarity. Peaceful resistance represents who we are and how we feel. Imperfections like disagreement vary in any event around the world, not just the United States. United States, reflects for many viewers, freedom to demand and have a voice and a vote; like being a needle in a haystack. Futhermore, since President Donald Trump took command of the country on January 20 on the day of the inauguration, social leaders have protested and manifested because of executive orders by the president the person who is carrying the nation. These contemporary revelations do not respect and do not promote peaceful resistance. But otherwise, these individuals are expressing their freedom of expression.According to the constitution, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or by opening the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, "we can infer that peaceful resistance it is not prohibited or against the