As an ex-basketball player whose life led to him pumping gas, Flick personifies this idea. Even though his high school fame is remembered by others, the fame does nothing to help Flick later in life. Updike describes Pearl Avenue as “cut off” just like Flick’s life of fame to emphasize that fame is fleeting (Updike 2). Most of the community remembers Flick’s legendary basketball games, but Flick obsess over it. Flick desperately clings to the fame his basketball skill brought him in high school, exemplified by the transformation of candy into adoring fans in Flick’s mind. Updike also uses Flick to warn society of the dangers of fame. Fame can force those who obsess over it to live in the past, like Flick. Living in the past is dangerous because it does not allow society to look towards the future and all the pearled glory it holds. Updike’s clever introduction of a clever metaphor reveals explores the long lasting effects of