Pearson Mental Health Services Case Study

Words: 699
Pages: 3

Counselling Contract:
Samuel Jones_________________ (client)
Samantha Mills________________ (counsellor – Pearson Mental Health Services)

Counselling Approach:
I believe that nobody knows another person's situation better than that person, and as such, I approach counselling as a two-way communication service where the client may be heard and find their own meaningful solutions. I do not offer advice or provide "the answer", focusing instead on helping clients direct their thoughts and behaviours in ways that are in line with their own values.

Counselling Theories:
At Pearson Mental Health Services, we offer two different counselling theory approaches. These approaches are Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy. Clients wishing to receive counselling in forms outside of these options will be referred to reputable counsellors who specialise in different therapy models.
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In order to protect your confidentiality, these notes will remain in a secure location, and are accessible by you at any time. Records of our counselling sessions will remain with Pearson Mental Health Services for a period of 7 years from your final contact with us.

Your confidentiality is of the utmost importance to me, and everything shared in session will be kept between us, however there are certain circumstances where I may be required to break this. In all situations, if it is at all possible, I will discuss this with you before breaking confidentiality.
These circumstances are listed below:
• if I believe you are at risk of harming yourself or others
• if you disclose that you have committed certain