How old are you? I am 13 as of this applications creation.
What timezone are you in? UTC-7.
What languages do you speak? Fluent English.
Why do you think you should become staff? Well, I don't think I'd like to be a staff member, I like the stress for having to take care of people hangs on your shoulder I love having something to do that'll take up some time. I'd like to be a staff member for the availability to help, I love to help it's my aspiration. I love to talk to players and get to know their interests. I'm not saying that I've done this for everyone because the server does have a lot of players. The point is that I'd like to help I love the community, it's gameplay, the active staff team, …show more content…
Every once and while I just come to say "Hey the alt speaks :O" stuff similar to that, my main account,
Sunday - 4-5 hours.
Monday - 2-4 hours.
Tuesday - 2-4 hours.
Wednesday 30 minutes- 1 hour.
Thursday Not at all, main reason is because of school this is when I normally do my homework. I most likely won't log on.
Friday 4-5 hours.
Saturday 4-5 hours.
How long have you been playing on CreedMC?
I've been playing around the time ItsSniiper got staff. He's the main reason I'm here today ;) That's my first login, I've started to become more active about 3-4 weeks ago. I am enjoying the server a whole lot more than I used to. So as a result I am playing more.
Have you previously been warned, muted or banned here?
Yes, sadly I was IP banned for flying at spawn on an alt. I truly regret it.
Are you currently staff on another server?
I've spoken with the owner of another server which he says the server might go soon. So I don't think the server will be up for much longer I am not a staff member anymore.
Additional extra information:
Part of the reason when I said I won't be here on Thursday is that my parents are split up and I have to go to his house for a day every week, well technically two days counting after school on