Rowdy protects Junior, so Junior will stay and be his friend. Junior uses Rowdy for protection, because Rowdy “knew he would need to fight for [Junior]” (17). Junior did not want to go to the powwow, because he could get hurt, but he is ensured by Rowdy that he will be safe, and protect him if anyone tries to hurt him. Junior is reminiscing a time in his life when he was twelve when he fell in love with a girl named Dawn. She was a powwow dancer, and out of Juniors league. At two in the morning Junior was having a sleepover with Rowdy, when they began talking about Dawn. Junior loves her so much he begins to cry, embarrassed in front of Rowdy he asks him not to tell anyone that he cried over a girl, Rowdy says “‘okay, I won’t tell anybody that you cried over a dumb girl.’ And he didn't tell anybody. Rowdy was my secret keeper” (78). Alexie shows the trust within Junior for Rowdy during the quotation. Rowdy is a very tough and nerve-wracking kid, so for Junior to cry in front of him, he really trusts that he would not tell