Extra time is spent to count out and divvy out pennies that society does not want or they throw it out the first chance they get. People spend countless hours “fishing in their pockets” (source B) attempting to find the exact change in pennies. As of a May 2005 survey “27 percent of Americans don't even keep track of their loose change”(Source B) because they do not care and do not need to keep track of pennies. The gratuitous penny has cost the American people enough time already, and in today's society time is money. In The National Association of Convenience stores and Walgreens they concluded in a math equation leading to the conclusion that Americans are losing “over $15 billion per year”(Source B) due to time spent on the penny. For another reason why time is wasted on the penny “In 2009 president Bush signed into law legislation directing the secretary of the treasury to issue Lincoln pennies with four newly designed reverse or “tails”” leaving the government to spend precious time and money and resigning an item that the American people could care less about when more dire problems could be solved with that time or