Penny Should Stay Research Paper

Words: 468
Pages: 2

Hey! I'm a skeptic! Do you think the penny should stay or do you think it should go? There are people that want the penny to be done over with and people want the penny to stay.The penny should stay because it has so many meanings to it like it is still worth something and it also represents President Lincoln for what he did for our country. One reason that the penny should stay is because President Lincoln did a lot for the United States, like slavery, and the sixteenth president. Lincoln was the sixteenth president and served in the Civil War. He put an end to slavery and also by passing the thirteenth amendment. Abraham Lincoln also served as the sixteenth president from 1861 to 1865 when he was assassinated. The penny also served as a symbol …show more content…
But, the penny is still worth something, like you can put it in a money jar and you can use it for other things. When you put it in a money jar, you can save those pennies then put it in your bank account. It can also be used at restaurants because when you get change back sometimes it comes out not ending in a zero or five so you need pennies to do change at restaurants. Also, the people that want the penny to be gone will probably want it back in the future because they realize how important it is. People also don't realize that you can save pennies and put them in your bank account and save them for college, or just save them for anything else. Even though people don't realize how important it is to have the penny, they still want the penny to be gone because of its worth and value. However, some people say that the penny is not worth anything and that it should not be around any more. All people do with a penny is just throw them on the ground and do nothing with it because they think they're useless. Some people also throw them on the ground because they don't realize how much things President Lincoln did for us, like he did when he stopped