Throughout the novel, Josie makes various connections with people. These connections alter her sense of connection or disconnection with people.
Describe their relationship
What aspects of belonging are evident between these two characters? How do they belong with each other?
What aspects of not belonging are evident between these two characters? How do they not belong with each other?
Josie and Nonna Katia
They are now on deeper understanding of each other as Josephine has learnt the truth about Nonna Katia’s past.
“When I next sat on the couch at my grandmother’s place I succumbed to the urge. The urge of asking her to show me her photos.”
This shows both identity and understanding from Josie’s behalf as she is trying to find out whom her nonna is and understanding her past.
“You misintrepid everyting Josie” “It’s mis-interpret everything.”
Josie and Christina
Josie and Christina are very close and often understand each other as they were estranged from their family and only had each other.
“She tends to forget that most of her relatives gave my mother a bad time when she had me.”
“I’m going out tonight Jose.” ”I heard. What’s got into you?”
Josie and John Barton
Josie has concealed feelings for John but those feelings are reciprocated.
“Have I ever told you about John ‘love of my life’ Barton?”
Experiences and relationships tie together as an aspect of belonging in this statement.
“I’d never spoken