The main character and his friend explore an arroyo and they come across “a grinding ball... which [is]... a cannonball thing” (1). The protagonist observes the object as it is dropped and crushes everything in its way. His perception of the ball and the effects it has on the environment, allows him to infer that it is actually a grinding ball in use for mining. On another occasion, the boys go on an adventure to the mountains. “[They read]... books...about bridges and castles and wildtreacherousraging alligatormouth rivers” and expect to find them there (3). The desire to venture the mountains comes from the idea of these mystical creatures and settings the protagonist wants. The idealistic picture he has in mind inspires him to explore and later discover that the mountains holding these stories are merely just large hills. When they travel over the mountains, a beautiful view surprises them. “[They find] heaven” and stand in awe (3). The narrator explains how perfect heaven is as it represents his concept of perfection. Due to his strong attachment to this place, he soon learns that his heaven is really a golf course. Therefore, childhood is a time in life where imagination is important for gaining