Rodolfo Rascon
University of Phoenix
Human Capital Management
HRM 531
Mrs. Abbott
June 30, 2015
Performance Management Plan
When a company wants to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency, they can do this through the use of a performance management system. A performance management plan helps to identify and manage desires, needs, obstacles and characteristics of employees. Performance management can a guide that puts us in the right direction. As the managers are guides, they can help employees know where they are now and help them focus and go in a desired direction. So performance management can evaluate a business's performance as well as the performance of any employee. ("Performance Based Learning," n.d, p. 3)
Performance Philosophy Landslide limousine has to set a philosophy principle to establish efficiency and the effectiveness of each employee and their performance. One way to maximize this effort is to facilitate communication between employees and supervisors. Communication will help employees play and active role in communicating how that are performing and finding their flaws and developing and sharpening their skills. Employees will be held to a higher standard and handle their actions, to excel continually and perform at peak levels. ("Philosophy: Performance Management," n.d, p. 2)
Supervisors will be held accountable for performance expectations and portraying those expectations to the employees. By communicating supervisors get points and goals across by:
Setting goals
Recognizing performance and development
Coaching to improve performance
The providing tool, resources, training, and development to complete duties and task successfully.
Analyzing and identifying employees skills Identifying skills required by employers, an appraisal system can be used to fit properly and get an appropriate and effective employee. Landslide limousine has to find the most effective appraisal plan that has skill sets such as
Performance standards filter job requirements to place acceptable and unacceptable employee behaviors. Sensitivity is the process that differentiates effective and ineffective performers. Reliability finds the consistency of judgment and Acceptability is the most important requirement. (Triebel, May 2009, p. 3)
Human resource programs have to have the support of the people that use them; landslide limousine has to put allot of effort and support for the HR department as well as its participants. Lastly practicality refers to the appraisal instruments, and they should be easy for employees and managers to understand easily. Following these requirements landslide limousine can set up a job analyzes that will help the business thrive.
Measuring employee's skills
Measuring employee skills can be a tedious task, landslide limousine can use various methods. A method is behavior oriented these methods focus on employee behaviors, by comparing performance between employees. Another method is Result oriented they place emphasis on what employees produce such as solar volume, sales, some units.
Performance Feedback
Performance feedback is quite important and time specific. To maximize performance, managers have to communicate frequently before, during and after giving performance feedback. But before giving performance feedback interviewing for performance appraisals and planning