Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports

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Pages: 9

Is taking drugs to receive extraordinary benefits worthwhile in sporting activities? Some athletes will do anything to get the upper edge on other athletes regardless of their side effects. Performance-enhancing drugs are some of the most talked about illegal drugs aside from marijuana and drugs of that nature. The difference is that performance-enhancing drugs are used primarily in sports. These is no reason to use these performance-enhancing drugs and surely it takes away the thrill and integrity of many sports played today in the United States. The use of these drugs is most popular in sports such as baseball and football. What have some sports come too? Do athletes seriously need extra help to perform on a daily basis? Are they no already …show more content…
There is no reason for cheating in these professional sports. The whole reason why we use sport officials such as umpires and referees is to enforce the rules the players so that there is no wrong doing around the leagues. Bart Giamatti, the former president of Yale and their seventh commissioner of the Major League Baseball, says that if organizations do not change their ways, then the next big thing that could happen would be that the New York Yankees would announce an agreement with the Chemistry Department at Columbia University. Then they would use the next line of chemicals invented by these scientists giving them the upper edge. Giamatti also mentions the Boston Red Socks typing up deals with Harvard University. This is not how sports were meant to be played. There were never any questions regarding extra help in the past, why is it happening now? Sports should be determined by skill and perseverance rather than drugs and the easy way out. The struggle between drugs and sports is a game itself and sports need to come out on top. Although there is no use in using performance-enhancing drugs, some athletes and businessmen still have no problems with them at all …show more content…
It is the ability to do something that an individual or a group of people agree on. It is shown all throughout sports and each sport has its own special attribute. In skiing you need to have great stamina rather in speed skating great strength. When it comes to doping and using performance-enhancing drugs the focus is more on meaning rather than fairness. If they are banned substances and someone uses them to get a physical gain then that is determined as unfair. Some argue that they would rather all athletes the same anabolic steroid so that there would be no unfairness and no need for drug testing and screenings. Those people are missing the point; they are not seeing the situation from a medical standpoint. Steroids do bad things to your body and affect a number of other things highly. Sports are about what can be done and accomplished in given limitations; you cannot just ignore the law and have free for all. Every sport has its own limitation and each athlete must go by them. Athletes compete against other athletes. Winners and losers may be separated by fractions of a second. If someone uses a drug that can give you an extra one or two percent boost then that can be decisive. An athlete’s performance will become more and more a function of expert manipulations, and less of the athlete’s talents or dedication. That is not sports need and not what the world needs. The nation’s beliefs have also been based on what we need to get by in life. As a country,