This test will consist of approximately 40 MC questions and a Short-Answer question.
Key Terms/People/Events
1. “Revolution of 1800”
36. Whig & Democrat Party
2. Thomas Jefferson
37. Panic of 1837
3. Marbury v. Madison
38. The Alamo / San Jacinto
4. John Marshall
39. Irish & German immigration
5. judicial review
40. Nativism
6. Louisiana Purchase / Lewis & Clark
41. Industrial Revolution
7. Aaron Burr
42. Eli Whitney / Cyrus McCormick
8. impressment
43. Cotton gin
9. Embargo Act
44. Interchangeable parts
10. “peaceful coercion”
45. Elias Howe / Samuel Morse
11. Non-Intercourse Act
46. Lowell system
12. Tecumseh
47. Cult of Domesticity
13. war hawks
48. Cumberland Road
14. Battle of Tippecanoe
49. Robert Fulton
15. Hartford Convention
50. Erie Canal
16. Treaty of Ghent
51. Railroad
17. Battle of New Orleans
52. Second Great Awakening
18. Era of Good Feelings
53. Deism
19. Nationalism
54. Unitarianism
20. American System
55. Charles Grandison Finney
21. Missouri Compromise
56. Mormonism
22. McCulloch v. Maryland
57. Joseph Smith / Brigham Young
23. Dartmouth College v. Woodward
58. Temperance
24. Monroe Doctrine
59. Dorothea Dix
25. Andrew Jackson
60. Transcendentalism
26. Adams-Onis Treaty
61. Ralph Waldo Emerson / Henry David Thoreau
27. Florida Purchase Treaty
62. Seneca Falls Convention
28. "Corrupt Bargain" of 1824
63. Elizabeth Cady Stanton / Susan B. Anthony
29. spoils system
64. King Cotton
30. Tariff of Abominations
65. Nat Turner rebellion
31. Nullification crisis
66. Amistad
32. Worcester v. Georgia
67. American Colonization Society
33. Indian Removal / “Trail of Tears”
68. William Lloyd Garrison
34. Specie Circular
69. Frederick Douglass
35. Henry Clay / Daniel Webster / John C. Calhoun
70. Gag Resolution
Key Concepts/Main Ideas
1. Significance of the “Revolution of 1800”
2. Background and significance of key court cases: Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Worcester v. Georgia,
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
3. Cause and impact of the Embargo Act
4. Groups opposing and supporting war against Britain
5. Perspective of Tecumseh and his impact on American and British relations
6. Key characteristics, battles, and outcomes of the War of 1812
7. Outcomes of major treaties in the early 1800s: Treaty of Ghent, Adams-Onis Treaty, Florida Purchase Treaty
8. Outcome and impact of the Missouri Compromise
9. Primary objective of the Monroe Doctrine
10. Regional and sectional political differences in the first half of the 1800s
11. Southern perspective regarding federal tariffs, and outcome of the nullification crisis
12. Struggle for power between the federal government and states in the early 1800s, and effect of Supreme Court rulings
13. Jackson’s perspective and actions regarding Native Americans and the Bank of the U.S., and the outcomes for both
14. Reemergence of a two-party system in the 1830s, the political leaders for