Periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease have similar risk factors contributing to them. Some of the risk factors include diabetes, smoking, age, and obesity. Inflammation is a main factor that links periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. People with poor oral hygiene have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (Granger, 2014). Periodontal disease can be an onset for cardiovascular disease. Periodontal disease can affect cardiovascular disease directly through microbial challenge or indirectly through host response to microbial challenge. The direct effect through microbial challenge is when the periodontal pathogens go to the blood circulation from the periodontal pockets, invading the atherosclerotic plaques. The indirect effect through host response to microbial challenge occurs during the progression of periodontal disease, involving the proinflammatory mediators by vascular endothelial cells (Kotsovilis,