Soft tissue gingival swellings often present a diagnostic dilemma with their similar clinical presentation and diverse range of etiology that can produce these kinds of lesions. A solitary gingival enlargement is usually a reactive process rather than a true neoplasm. A fibroma refers to soft tissue benign neoplastic growth due to over production of fibrous tissue in connective tissue. In 1872 Menzel described ossifying fibroma but in 1927 Montgomery was the one who gave a terminology to it1, in1972 peripheral fibroma term was coined by Eversole and Rovin2. Peripheral cementifying fibroma (PCF) is described as a reactive focal overgrowth of gingival tissue. Peripheral fibroma with cementogenesis, Peripheral fibroma with osteogenesis, …show more content…
The solitary growth was of 3cm x2cm in size, firm and non tender, sessile on the attached gingival of upper right central incisor. The surface of the growth was smooth and erythematous (Fig 1). Periodontal status was moderate with calculus and soft debris was present. There was no mobility of the involved tooth. Radiographic evaluation revealed horizontal bone loss in upper central region (Fig 2). She was not having any systemic illness. Routine blood examinations were within normal limit. After the clinical and radiographic evaluation a provisional diagnosis of irritational fibroma was made. Excisional biopsy was planned along with full mouth prophylaxis and root …show more content…
The varying histological presentation results in confusion in the nomenclature. Differention of bone and cementum histological is very difficult and it has been suggested that the changes in the microscopic presentation may due to the evolution of a lesion from fibrous to fibrosseous stages to cementoid stage13.
The present case describes a 3cm x 2cm smooth surface, erythematous, solitary lesion in the maxillary incisor region of a female in her 5th decade of one year duration, that was initially diagnosed as fibroma and after Histopathological examination revealed cementum like material leading to the final diagnosis of peripheral cementifying fibroma was made.
Management of the PCF is surgical excision intoto along with the removal of irritational factors associated with the lesion. Patient need to be kept under long follow up period as recurrence rate as reported by various authors are 9%4,16%14,20%15