Perry High School: A Short Story

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Pages: 5

The pungent scent assaults my nose as I pass the threshold that has transported me from the hectic halls of Perry High School to the unknown. My nose wrinkles as I try to identify the scent that has filled the small area, but it seems to evade my grasp. Three options greet me as I give up my quest to discover the mysterious scent. I decide to head up the small set of stairs that happen to lead to an entrance to Av200. It is alarming to see the world that I know so well from an outside perspective. I walk down the stairs and try to open a black door in the small opening but it is locked. My mind wanders wondering what secrets could be behind that door, but my common sense pulls me back into reality. The room behind that door is most likely not filled with the bodies of students that managed to get on the …show more content…
The blemished ceiling above me has recently been replaced with brand new tiles which stand in stark contrast to the grimy walls. before. My curiosity gets the best of me as I continue to pull and twist every doorknob that I see. None of them give into my touch and open. The ramp that leads into the gym catches my eye and I think about walking in. Then I think about getting caught by Mr. Whitmore and decide not to make a fool out of myself. Suddenly there is no more hallway just doors leading to the outside. There is a blacked out window to my right with a calendar taped to the glass. The calendar was for the PYWC in 2006. I don’t even know what PYWC stands for, but I decide not to spend too much time worrying about it. My phone was in my book bag not in my pocket and I never saw a clock, so I was clueless as to what time it was. Hooked On A Feeling begins to play when I decide my time in the tunnels is over. When I was little I would sing this song with my dad, but now I am surrounded by my classmates who have also ventured into the secret of PHS. I decide to spare them from hearing my rendition of the famous Blue Swede