Before one can discuss how Williams makes Jones’s perseverance and adaptation to change apparent, one must first examine how she focuses the narrative on Jones rather than the surface level story being told. Williams achieves her focus in a variety of ways. Firstly, instead of making the story smooth flowing like most narratives with transitions, Williams uses abrupt scene changes and …show more content…
Through the course of the story, many examples exist to show this adaptation. In the face of his wife’s diagnosis Jones continues to go through the motions of his daily life. He visits his wife, discusses her treatment, and continues to the everyday obligations of his church. In the absence of his wife he adapts and performs the chores that she would normally do. This continues even after he is left with the obligation of caring for his infant granddaughter, taking on the role of both father and mother. We see that he performs every need that the child requires, feeding, changing,