Coming into junior year, I was dealing with the police and getting in trouble much more often. I kept doing drugs with these “friends” and no one could control me. These kids were my life at this point and I would value their time over anyone else’s, even my family. I was rarely at home, always out doing something with my group. I continued to get in trouble and had started doing worse things than before. I figured the law couldn’t catch up to me or my friends so we did whatever we wanted, and eventually that landed me in jail. Jail is not fun, if you thought it was. The food is barely edible and there aren’t many friendly people in there. The inmate assigned to the bunk underneath me smelt of a portable toilet left to sit in the hot sun unattended for days. There isn’t really anything to do in there but sleep and read the bible (which they provide the every prisoner. I enjoy reading so I read quite a bit of the first testament. But while I was serving my time, I had come to be very angry at