Personal Essay: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Words: 474
Pages: 2

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

What If everyone in the world made a change for the positive, think about how much better it would be to live here. For you it could be a small change, or for someone else a big change, no matter what the change this world would be a better place. A change as simple as saying please and thank you to a fellow neighbor, or a larger change such as trying everyday to be kinder and more patient. This world needs more people who help others rather than themselves. The change I want to make in myself is to be more grateful. I feel that if one is more grateful and appreciative, it will leave a lasting impact on the ones who were touched by that person.

I know for me I struggle with being grateful, coming from a family that has always had the essentials we need, and more, I can feel entitled to things. I sometimes think that things should be my way or the highway, and that is not ok. I have incredible family and friends and I need to appreciate all the kind words and gestures they have given me. Some people do not have a family or anyone to talk to, and that makes me so sad for them, so for me I should be grateful for the amazing people in my life.
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No matter the circumstance, you can always find something to be grateful for. I definitely struggle with this, and when people or items get taken away, it always makes you appreciate them