Personal Narrative

Words: 575
Pages: 3

Personal Narrative

My life is fulfilled with experiences that are mostly harmful to me whether it comes to concussions or placing my hand on a hot iron. On the other end of the spectrum, there is also a few good things that are significant, but sadly there's not as many, from flawless football seasons to math achievements. I’m glad that I felt the pain that I did endure when I was younger rather than not being able to handle it at this point of my life. I was a good child who never really got in trouble, just to add on to that I was only spanked once in my life. When I’m out in public I can restrict my personality, but as soon as I’m casually hanging out with friends it’s crazy. When I was a baby, around two years old I endured probably the worst pain of my life. I remember this like it was yesterday. I was walking into the laundry room as my dad was ironing and he put the iron down , I grab the iron and i thought it was off because the lig ht on the iron was off. So what I do, I don’t tap it quickly no no no, that’s not how I did it, I decided to full palm the iron for a solid second or two. I had a late reaction to it, but once I felt it, I screamed insanely loud and it turned out I actually had 4th degree burns on my hands. Also when I was a baby I began showing an interest in sports.
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When I was around 8 years old got my first concussion playing flag football. I was playing running back and almost to the end zone when this kid trips me and I fall straight on my head. The next thing I remember is being in the hospital being tested for concussions and any serious injuries. I also had a few flawless seasons in football from flag football to pee wee league. Its also when I got serious for Basketball as well and a little bit of soccer. I would go on to play these three sports every year for about 7 to 8