We fell into a routine and life became easier to deal with now that we had each other to confide in. In September I experienced the worst day of my life. Standing in the courtyard of the FOB I heard a scream from the gate and immediately took off running. The interpreters (terps) were trying to get the story from a man while myself and my NCO proceeded to lay the body of a five-year-old girl on the ground. We began our triage and treatment as we were getting the story from the terps. As I was checking the child I realized the story was inconsistent with her injuries. The father was claiming the child was hit by his vehicle but there was no road rash, no external injuries on her at all, until we checked her head. Once we realized what was wrong there was nothing we could do. I held that little girl in my arms as she took her last breath, covered her with a sheet before placing her in the mans vehicle and proceeded to lose my