Personal Narrative-A Day At Netherland High School

Words: 738
Pages: 3

“See ya later Cathie!” Bella shouts as I round the corner, starting towards my house. I walk inside to the TV blaring in the front room.
“Hey mom,” I say, kicking my boots off and grabbing an apple from the kitchen.
“Hey. Make sure you-” she starts, pulling a beer out of the fridge.
“Yeah I know, take out the trash,” I say closing my door. I turn on the news on my phone as I pull my math homework out. I work for about 15 minutes when a picture of my best friend shows up on the news. I unmute my phone and close my math book as the reporter starts to speak.
“High school student, Bellatrice Jackson, has gone missing. The last time she was seen was at 1:25 pm at Netherland High. If spotted please report to these numbers or the police.”
Bella is missing? This is bad. I hope she’s okay. I hear a ruffling near my balcony door. Slowly standing, I walk over to see an envelope sitting on the floor that wasn’t there before. Curious I open it to find this note.
“If you ever wish to see
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Another bang. Is that the sound I’m supposed to follow? I turn the corner to see a large, rotting staircase. I slowly climb the steps, hearing them crack and splinter beneath my weight. The top floor was just as dirty and old as the first. I keep hearing the resounding booms, now louder than before. Boom! I walk down the hall. Boom! I round the corner. Boom! Now I’m standing before large French doors with rusted handles and dirt caked glass. Inside I can hear the distinct sound of someone sobbing. The words of the note come back to me. Knock three times, bring something worthy of her life. I don’t have anything. Just me. And that’ll have to be enough. Knock knock knock. The door creaks open a gloved hand gestures from behind the door to walk in. Bella is tied up in the corner, tears running down her face. Someone grabs me from behind as the doors slam closed and I feel the cool pressure of a blade pressed to my