Personal Narrative: A Horse That Changed My Life

Words: 1077
Pages: 5

I think horses as beings that just want run freely as they pleased, and that’s just like me. A horse that just wants to run free. As a kid, I always loved to be rowdy and move around a lot. As a result it got me in trouble and I had no fun with it, being punished and limited. When I was in second grade, my recknessless got my into big time trouble by talking, and socializing too much and not focusing on school, which I never really liked. In the end of all the commotion I caused, I decided to change myself for the better and not limit myself to the rules of the world and be myself. As a kid in elementary, I loved to play and be energetic with all my friends, in kickball and especially capture-the-flag. Whenever our class would be released to go to recess, I felt as if I was relieved of my stress and problems at school for 30 minutes. Running around having fun with my friends was all I wanted to to all day, and elementary school felt like a second home to me. Once, I was …show more content…
I remember when I received my first game console, which was a DSi and the Pokemon game to go along with it for my birthday. It was one of the best things I’ve ever received and played it every single second I got. From turning on the DSi, to wasting all the storage on it to take pictures of my stuffed animals when I was little was an enjoyable moment every second. Moving, on I got myself a laptop, and that was where I finally got hooked on gaming. From every Skype call I had with my friends, it felt as if there was no problem in the world, and I could be free from every problem as long as I played with no worries. Unfortunately, it didn’t come to that end, since that led to me not focusing on my education as much and having a bad attitude after playing or whenever I didn’t want to talk. Even though this problem occurred, I still managed to work myself through it in order to still focus on schoolwork and make time for my