So we arived to a beach then I yelled, "Wake up! We're here!" After that we were just walking across the beech than a man stopted us and said do you want to go sailing? So we all sied yes we do than he sied okay only for the price of $154 and it was a good price so we …show more content…
Than kevin sied we need to go look for some supplyes we all need to serch the boat. We went to serch the boat and we found a emergensea kit with a hammer and some nails and a saw than a little roap and also a knife. So we seid we need to use the saw to cut the roof off of the boat. So we did and vwe usded it to maken a roof to have a shelter so we can sleep tonight but the ground wasent good enouph to sleep so we went back to the boat and cut the seet out so that we had a place to …show more content…
Than Shawn ran out and ran up a tree and stabded it in the back with a knife. Than kevin ran out and he also had a knife and stabsit in the neck. Than I ran out with the actule knifen and killed it by stabbing it in the eye but Jaysean was just hideing and crying and we seid its dead he seid that was scary and I seid shut up dident even do anythang than kevin seid we need to take it back to the shelter so we can have something to eat for to night so we did and we made it back to he shelter and cut the tiger up and roastded it all up and ate some of it than we went to sleep. But we gat woke up by a loud sound andv a lot of wind so we went to check it out and it was a halocopter and the pilet seid get in your going home so we gopt in and we went home to our famley and never went to that beach