Personal Narrative: An Instrumental Relationship

Words: 978
Pages: 4

In my experience of working at Rosa Parks Elementary, the instrumental relationship I had with a particular teacher was less effective than my expressive relationship with another teacher. This is in regards of the successful completion of tasks on the day-to-day basis and the overall development of the students we both had served. This teacher in particular I did not have a good chemistry with because they did not want to make an effort to understand the culture of the students we were serving. They also were closed minded about expanding their classroom management skills. When working at a bottom feeder urban school, making adjustment to traditional classroom management skills is critical for the overall success of the students and school. Traditional skills and practices are not enough because these students usually are products of improvised communities; they need teachers that are willing to understand their experiences and that are willing to make the adjustment to their social and professional approach to their position. …show more content…
My personal and professional experiences had equipped me to flourish in this position and I did. When I worked with teachers in my expressive networks students were able to benefit inside their classroom and inside of my classroom. They had often learned life skills and practices that were transferable in any environment. When I had worked with teachers from my instrumental networks, I often had to intentionally spend more time developing students because the teacher was only worried about the completion of work and not their livelihood. Working with those students I also had to put a stronger emphasis on emotional intelligence because these teachers would often not give that student a fresh start when they were reintegrated in the