Personal Narrative Analysis

Words: 1398
Pages: 6

I feel the cool, shivering night air strike my face as I awaken from a short nap. I am sitting in the dull passenger seat of my father’s silver Toyota 4runner as my dad opens the passenger door.
“Come on, we’re home Germain,” my dad says to me as he extends his hand.
I grab his hand, which I discern is noticeably warmer than mine, as he pulls me forward out of the car. When I look up at him, I realize that he has already grabbed my heavy backpack from the backseat of the car. He must have assumed that I am exhausted and decided to carry it for me. I slowly slither to the front door of my house and feel my legs ache with every step I take.
“I can’t wait to lay down and sleep,” I mutter to myself as I drag my feet through the front door.
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I feel alive. I FEEL ALIVE!” I shriek. I open the laptop and begin to type my paper again. I have ten minutes until it is two a.m. I am on my conclusion paragraph. I learned from my English classes to restate my introduction for my conclusion in different wording. My conclusion includes my main points that were discussed in the body paragraphs; this will help my paper to stand out. I finally answer my rhetorical question from the introduction. “I finished,” I proudly proclaim to myself.
I smile, knowing that I have one thousand five hundred and fifty-three words for my essay. I know my essay has various sentence styles and excellent diction. Just knowing that my prior experiences in English have allowed me once again to write another essay makes me delighted. Finally, I press the submit button to turn in the essay, and it puts a smile on my face. Dimples fill up my brown cheeks.
“Finally, I get to lie down on my soft bed and sleep,” I say comfortably and excitedly.
I slide my first leg into the warm silk blankets. The furry soft touches send warmth throughout my body. My second leg entering my blanket attacks me with affection. I feel the sleepiness calling my name. It is time to finally fall asleep. My eyelids begin to close slowly, as I think about absolutely nothing. I enter into the peaceful, tranquil