I often force myself to get out the house, hang out with friends in person, and work out though. In my eyes, a life which lacks in person communication is more detrimental in terms of emotions in the long run than one which over emphasizes controlled use of electronics. The aspects of the life of someone growing up in the iGen that I identify most strongly with are not participating in self-destructive activities, having a strong work ethic, being one of the teens that do not drive, and being more lonely. In my own experiences in school and with friends, I have seen that I have a strong will when it comes to avoiding self-destructive behavior in every situation in which it has been presented before me. When it comes to working, I not only view it as the thing that I will likely do for a huge majority of my life, but also something that is necessary for progression. Naturally, when I am assigned a job, I will try my hardest to complete the objectives set before me. Further, I do not drive at this point, but not out of