Personal Narrative Analysis

Words: 1731
Pages: 7

The morning approaches while I sleep. The sun’s rays are moving silently across the distant landscape until they reach the furthest point of the earth’s horizon and begin to emit the radiant glow of what’s to come. The darkness of night succumbs to the suns power and begins to give ground with each passing minute. The horizon begins to fill with a brilliant cornucopia of colors as far up and down the eastern coast as the eye can see. The water of the Atlantic Ocean is gleaming with ripples of waves showing the end effects of the mildly turbulent evening. The occasional white tip of a waves crest is seen blowing into the air as the wind takes the waters edge with it as it passes by.

Wave after wave of water undulates up the beach and
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From time to time children are seen playing throughout the parking lot, which is more a series of drive lanes than open parking spaces like you’d expect to see at a market. There’s very little grass for them to play in and no ‘park-like’ area developed for the community to relax and mingle; just buildings, parking spaces and main office structure where residents submit maintenance claims or make a rent payment.
Exiting the shower she wraps up in her two towels and heads to the kitchen to prepare her first cup of coffee; sugar and hazelnut flavored creamer are this girls preferences. Armed with her life source, she returns to the bathroom to begin her morning ritual of body lotions, hair styling and search for an outfit to wear to work.

Deciding on today’s dress, she puts on coordinated panties and bra and then the focus turns to accessories and shoes. Today like most days will be a platform heel day. Working in a women’s fashion store allows a girl to wear her shoes! And oh, this girl has the
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Getting myself organized and ready for the days calls, notes and all the other activities that will arise from the day. Once I’m setup, computer’s opened and I’ve written in my morning notes and got my call list ready, I walk over to the drawings and review the areas of the property the crews will be working on today, and this week, and look over the logistics layout for any cause for concern or breach in design and then head out to walk the