I was about 5 years old. I was in the backseat of the car with my brother sitting next to me. It was about 6 or 7 in the afternoon, and it was getting dark out. We were on our way to Oak Grove East to take my brother to bitty ball practice. When we got there, we walked him in, and sat down on the bleachers to watch him practice. That’s what we normally did, and I loved watching him practice, but after about 5 minutes later my dad said we should leave. I didn’t know why, we always stayed for his practices. I was getting even more mad when we got to the car. I refused to get in the car. I was giving him one of those you-can’t-make-me-get-in-the-car looks. I said “ I want to go back in, I want to …show more content…
I have always been afraid of the dark. At that point, I knew my dad would have came looking for me by now. So I start to walk, and try not to thinking of all the rules I have broken. I attempted to walk faster but I had to keep looking back to make sure no one was behind me.
I finally make it to the dim streetlight at the end of the road. I stop at the light and think about what my dad will do when he goes outside looking for me. Will he go straight to school and guess that I went there? Will he think that I got angry enough to run away and walk the busy streets? I started to walk again, because i can’t go back now, now there is a chance that he is outside looking for me. I walk along the side of the road, watching for car lights going down the streets. Any of them could be my dad.
I got to the school playground. I could see better, and I wasn’t as scared anymore. I walked to the school building, getting more and more tense, as i knew people would stare at me when I walked in. When I walked into the gym, people began to stare and wonder why a 5 year old was walking in and sitting down alone on the bleachers. I sat up straighter thinking that they might think I was …show more content…
He ran over to me and said “ Give this water to dad. Did he go to the restroom?” I lied and said yes. He ran back on the court, oblivious to what I said. I started to focus on chase, because that is what I came to do. I was smiling now. Trying not to think of all the things that have happened in the last 10 minutes. I surprisingly just then noticed that I had no shoes on. I guess after all the fear and frustration, I didn’t notice I didn’t have shoes on. I had bare feet, no socks just cold bare feet. Just another reason for people to stare at me. I keep on looking down at my feet, trying to hide them. Then you could imagine what happened next. My dad walks through the gym doors. I look up suddenly not worrying about my feet