Personal Narrative Essay

Words: 680
Pages: 3

When did you first start writing?
Writing is in my genes! My father, Walter Cummins, taught English literature, is an author, editor, and has a small publishing house. How could I not write? I even published a poem about the sun in a small magazine when I was a child. I was always good at writing and reading in school. Algebra is another story! I could never understand why x+y = xy mattered?
Why do you write non-fiction about relationships, self-growth, and spirituality?
I really love reading fiction and hope one day to write a fiction book. At this time in my life I am guided to write non-fiction. I am a Libra, the sign of relationships, which is why I have always been fascinated with relationships, especially love relationships. When I was
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I could sing the Frank Sinatra song, “I did it my way.” I also like the way Smashwords really supports Indie authors. Add the fact that they only take a small percentage of the eBook made it a win, win.
What do your fans mean to you?
I am uncomfortable with the word fans and prefer supporters. Supporters are the reason I write. I love to hear a reader say that something I have written helped them and changed their lives for the better! It makes all the hard work I put into an eBook worth it.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My bladder, two cats, and a parakeet get me out of bed each morning. The reason I do not crawl back into bed is I am doing the work that makes my heart sing! I am very lucky and grateful to be doing my life’s calling.
How do you spend your free time?
I am a crazy cat lady and love spoiling my kitties. I spend time with my boyfriend, family, and friends. I enjoy escaping into fiction eBooks, especially fantasy and smut – I mean romance. Other ways I have fun: learning, walking, yoga, listening to music, watching Netflix, eating healthy, and occasionally eating something really yummy and unhealthy.
If you had a magic wand, how would you change the