Personal Narrative Essay: North Dakota Fishing

Words: 1638
Pages: 7

It was a sun-drenched, mid-May day with only a light walleye chop. Since it was only midmorning and we already had our limit of 17 inch eater walleye, we decided to drop anchor right there in Brown’s Slough bay. It was a good time to relax, welcome the cosy warmth of the spring sun and have a cup of coffee and a light snack before beginning our quest for some White Bass and Northern action. As I sat leaning back in the cushioned chair of a boat that cost almost as much as my first house, I couldn’t help but consider how North Dakota fishing has changed over the past 60 years or so. My thoughts drifted back to that day in 1950 when I got solidly hooked on fishing. Dad’s voice still rings clearly in my mind’s ear: “C’mon son, get the gear and let’s go fish’n.” Those words raised my hopes and spirits more than an invitation to a Viking game would to an ardent fan today. The ‘gear’ referred to a 50 foot length of 100 pound yellow binding cord, a half dozen 2/0 hooks, two or three discarded spark plugs and an empty grain gunny sack—total cost $ 1.37. …show more content…
With the gear and bait container (a recently emptied Campbell’s pork and beans can) full of angle worms freshly dug from under several large rocks in the hen house lot, we were ready to set out for our favorite fishin’ hole, Alkali Slough, 25 miles away. This was mid-afternoon and since experience told us the prime time fishing was from 5:00 to just after dark, we had just enough time to get