It entered into my world in what seemed like a gust of wind, and took with it part of my childhood. With the death of my grandfather came not only the loss of someone I loved but a loss of innocence. The next Christmas I no longer believed in Santa Clause, so we stopped attending the Christmas party that we were going to attend the day my grandpa passed. Death brings change to all of our lives, and in my situation I’m glad that it entered upon my life when it did. Although I miss my grandpa dearly, I’m am grateful that all the emotions that come with death were thrown on me when I was only eleven. Had death entered into my life when I was a few years older or even now, I’m afraid I wouldn’t handle it as calmly as I did. Once I let death into my world, I learned that there was no reason to fear it, for it is the final mystery of our lives, My grandpa had a beautiful funeral, filled with love, tears, laughter, and memories, just the way he would have wanted it. There are days where I miss him more than I miss the sunshine in the dead of winter, but the thought that one day I will pass just as he did brings me