I often avoid that question like it’s the plague as a result of what happened in the past can never be changed, for if it was different, I wouldn’t be who I am today. When I look back at my past, I realize what happened to me didn’t define who I was, it was what I did that made me who I am. Instead of breaking down and crying like the child I was, I pushed aside the cruel memories and I kept going. The same statement can be used for most of the hardships that happened in my life, such as changing schools. I pushed aside the fear of not knowing anybody and I made some new friends. In all, what I learned about myself is that I shouldn’t bottle up my emotions or my fears instead, I should accept the situation that was given to me, and move on with my life. Instead of asking how my life would be different, I like to believe that everything that happened in my life is preparing me for something phenomenal that will come in my