Personal Narrative: How Mexican Culture Changed My Life

Words: 563
Pages: 3

In today’s modern society receiving a good start in life is sometimes rare and hard to come across. Indeed it is unfair that some people are born into more and some are born into less and have absolutely no control over it. Fortunately,I am one of the lucky ones and was given a rather incredible life so far.
Born and raised in Mcallen Texas has molded me in many more ways than you could possibly imagine. Although the town of Mcallen is primarily a poor area I grew up in the wealthy part which exposed me to both parts of living. The majority population of this area was hispanic due to the fact the border of Mexico was only few short hours away. This had a big impact on not only my speech and personality ,but it did educate me on the Mexican culture at such a young age. Even though I was one of the few African-Americans living in Mcallen, my up bringing was very culturally diverse . The Spanish language is very popular in the world and growing up around it provided me with an amazing asset. Not necessarily fluent in the language but familiar enough with it to use whenever needed . As a young child I lived in a large house with six bedrooms but considering I am the youngest and have major gaps with my
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Throughout the years living there many graphic things have happened playing a part in building my courage and teaching me that fear is just an emotion. For instance having the police bang on my door telling me to stay inside because a man on my street has been caught in a gun war,many of my friends who said they were moving back to Mexico but really needed to go into hiding from rivalry cartels,and the long countless amounts of having lockdowns every time someone escaped from the