I gaze towards a generation where we, the general public, can journey to locations and not witness destitute civilians. It's displeasing that it is naturally frequent to perceive civilians in such unhealthy manner. It is scientifically estimated that 2.5 to 3.5 million people have or are currently experiencing destitution. Me and my family once traveled to Florida, Tenneesee, and many additional locations for trips. Almost anywhere we I went I witnessed destitute civilians. Some were single people, while others were in groups or families. A few even asked for spare change, which me and my family gladly helped. Due to these trips, I learned that these issues are everywhere, not just in one location.
I live in an …show more content…
Whether they are invisible or noticable, they are common. The tragic truth is, the America I believe in isn't the America I reside in. The reason I believe in America is because it doesn't have to this way. Due to our freedom and rights, America is full of marvelous opportunities. Everyday new changes occur along with bright discoveries. I believe in America's future because of the fact that anyone has the power to make a difference. It is true that there are wars everyday over things such as race, religion, and sexuality. It is also true that America is full of famished and destitute civialians. Even so, I believe in America because we have the power to unite. If we could recognize our opportunites and overcome our differences, we could create a community that alters the future for upcoming