Personal Narrative-It's The Zombie Apocalypse

Words: 541
Pages: 3

I'm walking home from school and this random guy just runs at me so I ran home and I tell mom. she said he has been chasing all the kids and men he bit one girl and now she's doing it to. So the next day mom would not let me go to school so i stayed home and watched netflix and youtube. 7 hours later mom didn’t come home so i thought she was dead from the dude chasing people so I went outside and there was so many ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!
When I saw them I slammed the door and grabbed my shotgun from hunting last year and ran for the police station. There was only one police officer I asked the man what's going on.
Police officer said “ it's the zombie apocalypse”
I said “oh I thought they were playing around”
Then why do you have a shotgun and do you have a license”
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Go to lansing and find the capital. When you do give the scientist this package for the robots.
I said “Ok how long will it take”
The officer said “about 5 hours if you get there faster the faster the boss will be gone and your parents will be back from the dead.
So I set off on my journey to lansing to find the professors that are building the robots if i don't get there in time the robots explode into 1,000 pieces and the world is filled with zombies and we all die.If i get there in time the world is saved so i'm getting there on time to live a great life.if I don't have a good life you get no jobs and no family to live with. So I got in a police car and drove to lansing to save the world from zombies. I'm in a police car driving down the road and i see a man in a fight with a bunch of zombies and i get out of the car and help him kill the zombies and his name is morgan.
I said “hey my name is marc”
He said “hi my name is morgan”
I said “i'm going to lansing to save the world from