I have established that I will read during the day and dedicate two or more hours of study time a day. This includes lecture readings, articles, research etc. Acknowledging my children it’s very important and will continue to be a priority. In the afternoons from 6-8:30pm it will be our time to talk about our daily experiences, catch up with school work and if time allows maybe we could watch a little TV. It is a work in process as my children used to go bed at 9pm. In order for mom to study, we are adjusting to a new bedtime of 8:30pm. I have to admit, with the fall clock change it has been a positive changed. During the 9pm and 11pm time frame I will work on assignments and it gives me a little “cushion” time to read (if I don’t fall asleep) and in case my week was too busy. Sunday’s are to assist church and spend time with the family. My daughter is in a healthy program on Wednesday’s …show more content…
There are things we can control; there are things we cannot control. It is not about the problems we encounter in our daily life, but how we deal or react to the problems. Our decision making process is important. Allowing our thought process to work properly and analyze situations can help decrease the consequences of our actions or decisions, health related issues and keep good relations with our peers and our families. There will always be challenges. We just have to understand that we have an opportunity to learn from the challenges. We can learn and become better humans or change our perspective and take control of the situation. I learned two things from the Management tool kit in the Managing stress and time chapter of our book. First I am a mix of type A and type B personality, second I have internal locus of control. This could be a pretty good balance however, internal locus of control means; “I have control of my environment and life” and I disagree with that. (Baldwin, Bommer & Rubin, 2008). We usually have control of how we process challenges or make decisions but not always have control of the environment that cause the challenges. A good example is my disaster plan to begin graduate school. I had no control over my environment, but understood my challenges and made an informative decision to create a realistic plan that will work for me and my