Personal Narrative: Life After High School Student Life

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Pages: 3

Life gives people ups and downs and different transitions of life occur every day, but one of the biggest transitions is graduating from high school and going off to college. While many people every day gets emotional when talking about graduating from high school, cause of all the blood, sweat and tears it took to finish high school. High school has many lasting memories from first dates, sports, and other memorable moments. The people you called classmates, it may be the last time you see these people in your life. While you get may achievements throughout school, graduating from high school is the greatest achievement of them all. The days leading up to graduation is the one most stressful time in a high school student life. Indeed, it was one of mines. …show more content…
Our class had a meeting that morning, the meeting included: honor graduates, cap and gown, state test, graduation practice, and who all is graduation. I thought to myself, this little too much drama for me this early in the morning. As we were coming back from lunch, one of our classmates got to fighting, we were all thinking that is so stupid, that it may disqualify him from graduation. In fact, we already had one girl that had drop out of school a week before. With that on our mind we start practicing for graduation. It was horrific, the class officers did not have a song that everybody agreed on, it was too much talking and we could not hear the instructor talk. Then, I was suffering from a broken foot, I broke in April. I was waiting anxious on Thursday to get here, so the doctor could take off the cast. At this point of time, I was questioning myself; am I ready for