My world was metamorphosed from that first jet-lagged day. Until that time, my family had only lived in the US and I had only dreamed of living overseas. My dreams turned into reality. I became a part of our little village of Reichenbach-Steegen; the quaint German houses, local bakery where I made a daily visit for fresh pretzels, and the intricate trails that connected the villages where I met locals during walks. I visited historical sights while in Europe that I had only seen in movies or read about in books. Learning the culture and language of a foreign country in itself was a life experience. The challenges and success I came to find through these experiences really sparked a desire to be a part of the international stage. The thrill in discovering the world has become my passion and I want to continue to do so. As a 14 year old girl, I entered a life I had no idea existed and at 17 I returned back to the US a young woman inspired by all I had seen and done. My life had been changed forever. My ambitions now include being a part of the international business community. Witnessing the world at work, I developed a passion for