The kayaking aspect of this trip was freighting too many of us and personally I was scared myself. I had never been in a kayak and have no idea how to kayak. Once we arrived at the bay and our guide instructed us on how to operate the kayak, my group and I got in and off we were into the Chesapeake Bay with 4 inexperienced kayakers and a ROV we weren’t sure even worked correctly. I got the hang of the kayaking after a while and then my group’s attention turned to the ROV. When I saw the ROV moving behind our boat, again I had a sense of excitement as I felt that those hours after school to learn and build this actually paid off. At the beginning of the trip I thought for one, how is this ROV going to get built and secondly, I don’t even know how to kayak. Well, by the end of this trip I knew how to do both and it has definitely influenced how I think and go about doing whatever task is at