Personal Narrative: My Coaching Experience

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Pages: 6

Since the beginning of my second year I have undertaken 50 hours of work placement at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Over this duration I have managed to coach both hockey and skiing to junior athletes consistently. This has helped me develop and discover useful work-based skills than can also be transferred to other lines of work. Sports coach UK provides the coaching industry with a common vision to push the development of outstanding coaching practice. The focus of this assignment is to critically evaluate my development of these skills, placement experience and my own employability. Several practitioners have come up with academic models to help coaches perform self-evaluation. In order to identify and understand how to self evaluate I must draw …show more content…
Jack Mezirow, an American sociologist stated ‘A defining condition of being human is that we have to understand the meaning of our experience’ (Mezirow 1997, p.5). This can be achieved by getting into a process of identifying and analysing our experiences; this is referred to as the notion of reflection. Reflection on learning has many benefits; it magnifies current and previous practice therefore assisting insight into the complexities of reliable coach development. Coaches develop their own growth by linking current experiences to previous ones, drawing information from a number of sources such as visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile. In order to effectively use reflection, practitioners must critically review past experiences to apply what is learned beyond the original situations. There has been a variety of models and frameworks to aid reflective practice, many educationalists have agreed that different types of reflection involve common identities, but also agree there is no ‘correct way’ to go about reflective